8 tips to eat healthy while staying away from home:-You may have heard many times that “You are what you eat”, but how many of you have given a thought to it? If you give some thought to it you will realise that it is absolutely true. What you eat not only affects you physically but also mentally. If you’ll give your body the right amount of nutrition you will see a change in your mood and thoughts. On the other hand, if you will fill your body with junk food – you’ll always be lethargic and low on energy.

8 tips to eat healthy while staying away from home
8 tips to eat healthy while staying away from home

Eating right is very important for your overall growth because most of the times it is not about what you are eating but what’s eating you! Now we understand that giving a lecture or writing an article on healthy eating habits is easier than practicing it in reality. But with certain lifestyle changes you can train your mind to eat healthy.


Eating healthy is not a major problem for those lucky ones who stay at home. Precisely because at home our supermoms make sure that we eat tasty and nutritious food. Eating the right kind of food is a big challenge for people who stay away from home. The list of such people includes both working professionals as well as students. But as we mentioned earlier with certain changes and determination eating consciously can become a regular habit. On this note let us discuss eight such tips that will help you eat healthy food while staying away from home.

8 tips to eat healthy while staying away from home

Stay in a PG that serves food

All of us who stay away from home live a very busy life. We spend maximum time of the day at the office or college. Now when you come back to your stay late in the evening, you are too tired to cook. You either end up eating potato chips, nameekens or order food from Zomato, Foodpanda or Swiggy. The point to think about out here is that you have no control on the ingredients that go into the food cooked in restaurants. Generally, restaurants use too much oil and spices in the food. You can have this kind of food on some occasions but eating it on a regular basis is not good for your body and mind. A simple solution to this issue is – stay in a PG that serves food. Since the food is being cooked in front of your eyes, you know what goes into it. Also, you can ask your cook not to use too much oil and spices in the food. Staying in a PG that serves food will save you the trouble of cooking meals after a long day, and also give you access to food that is way healthier than restaurant food.


Cook some of your meals

Most of the PGs give you access to the kitchen. Therefore, whenever possible try to cook your own meals. Now we are not asking you to cook grand meals, but you can make things like khicdi, brown rice pulao, smoothie, sweet corn, oats or dalia. These meals are very nutritious and do not take a lot of time to cook. Other than this, cooking your own meals is a pleasant and cheerful activity. It will keep your mood light and the good food that you feed your body will make the mind happier.


Plan the meals you will cook

Planning is an important aspect of life. Whatever you do – if you plan it out first, your chances of success increase drastically. Therefore, plan the meals that you wish to cook. For instance, if your PG serves aloo parathas on Sunday, replace it with some healthy meal like fruit salad or sugar-free cereal. If you are bad with memory, write down your plan in a diary. But do plan your meals beforehand to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Schedule your meals and snacks

Other than planning what you want to eat, setting the time-frame for consuming the meals is also very important. Therefore, schedule the time for your meals and snacks. Do keep in mind that you follow the same schedule every day. Also, do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is your most important meal of the day. What you eat in the morning determines how much energy you’ll have to carry out your daily activities. Try to eat 5-6 small meals in a day. Eating small meals will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.


Explore healthier options

Nowadays many start-ups have come up with healthy eating options. For instance, you have start-ups like “To be healthy”, “Juice Up” and “Raw Pressery”, that serve fresh cold-pressed juices. You can place the order through their website or mobile app and they deliver the juices to your doorstep. Similarly, start-ups like “Evolve Snacks” deliver healthy snacks like dehydrated okra chips, chia seeds, sunflower seeds etc. to your doorstep. Explore these options and stock your cabinets with some healthy food options. Other than this, eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. Eating raw vegetables will provide you more nutrients than cooked vegetables.


Research restaurants that serve healthy food

The concept of healthy eating is getting quite popular in our nation. This has led to the establishment of many restaurants that serve nothing but low-calorie, delicious food. If you have your PG in Gurgaon, you can visit restaurants like “Raw Leaf”. Eating outside will not be a major issue if you research and visit such healthy eating places.


Download a health App

All of us use latest smartphones that are equipped with smart features. So why not use technology to get our health on track? There are many mobile apps that assist you in living a healthy lifestyle. You can download apps like “My fitness pal” and keep a track of your daily calorie intake. These health apps are so amazing that they even tell you the number of calories present in the food items that you consume. This is one really smart way to eat healthy while staying away from home.


Control your mind

At the end of the day it is you who has to make a change. Control your mind to eat healthy and you will see changes in your body within a few weeks. You can even practice yoga to bring in discipline into your life. With the right balance of discipline and consciousness, you will be able to eat healthy every day.


A healthy body is 70% diet and 30% exercise, so mix the both of them in the mentioned proportion and say a big hello to a fitter you.

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